Our Mission


Growing and Developing Personal and Corporate Faith Worship – We will continue to offer and to develop worship that is inclusive, diverse and relevant for those who are established in the faith and those who might be exploring faith.

Prayer – We will continue to offer a space in the city centre for people to pray and to seek prayer.  Through mission initiatives such as the giving of Easter Eggs, we will continue to pray for the local shops and businesses around the church.

Learning – As part of the mission plan there is a desire for more learning through Bible study, fellowship groups and membership classes to deepen the faith and discipleship of existing members and also to offer faith exploration to others

Serving – We will continue to work towards recognising and developing people’s gifts and skills, giving people opportunities to serve within the life of the church and the circuit, as well as serving the community and wider world.


Olive Grove Coffee Shop – We will continue to provide a community coffee shop that consistently offers a warm welcome, a listening ear, a sense of belonging and physical and spiritual nourishment for a wide and diverse group of people.  The coffee shop will continue to offer volunteering opportunities, with volunteers giving and receiving a great deal from their work. The coffee shop project manager will continue to develop links within the city centre and work with support agencies and other community groups in finding ways for the coffee shop and the building to serve their needs

Pastoral Care – We are committed to offering pastoral care and support across a whole range of the church’s life and activities.  Knowing our limitations we will work alongside the circuit lay pastoral worker to develop pastoral care that is effective.

Publicity and Social Media – Keeping people informed, sharing news and giving information through high quality publicity, social media and our website is essential for the mission of the church and will be important as the mission develops in the future.


Community – We aim to develop a deeper sense of community that will be diverse, inclusive and will encourage a greater sense of belonging.  We will consider more church and community meals, find different ways of encouraging and engaging new members as well as existing ones and continue with our annual church weekend.

Social Action – We will continue to respond to issues locally and globally, both financially and through initiatives such as prayer ribbons, support for refugees and working with other agencies in tackling homelessness.

Faith & Spirituality – We will continue to offer opportunities for faith exploration and faith sharing through Christian media, publications, Worship and Bible study.  We want to explore in more depth how to connect with local shops and businesses, offering opportunities to build relationships, to offer worship etc.  The mission group in particular have discussed how we might do more for those who want to explore Christianity.

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